The scenery is beautiful, especially at the mall I just came from. However, the smog from LA seeped its way down here and so I'm having trouble even looking at the screen in front of me.
To the point: I meant to say VATECH @ GATECH. There is no ref bashing on this one, I just have to pay Willie the 2.50 I owe him from having any faith in the Yellowjackets.
Now that I have had another stellar 1-4-1 week, I'm going to move onto another topic: POKER at the Commerce in LA. The only Casino I'd been to West of Missouri was in Vegas, and never have I seen so many poker tables. It's too bad I had to sit down at the rigged one.
So my short story begins with the gentleman 2 to my right. I use that term loosely, by the way. Turns out the dude was an early 20's community college student that was hoping to get into film school at USC. I told him he should just turn it in after the piss poor acting he did at the table. Yes, it is surprising that the trip Kings you smooth called on the flop are STILL there on the turn. I fold.
Here is our initial conversation:

Me: Uh, Dillards I think.
Him: What's that?
Me: A department store.
Him: Ah, man, how much did it cost?
Me: Um, I dunno, maybe forty bucks.
Him: Oh man, I get everything from Goodwill
Yeah, including your poker play.
Anyways, I did pretty piss poor, worse than him because I didn't go on a bulletproof winning streak in my last 10 mintues. I was about as useless at that table as a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest.
College Picks for this upcoming weekend (I promise I'll put some NFL picks up too later):
Uconn +5 @ Cincinnati: I don't care if Huskies are not natural football players (they tend to prefer round balls [get your mind out of the gutter]) I cannot fathom why Cincinnati would even be remotely considered to be a favorite here. Now that you know my pick, you can confidently bet Cincinnati.
Auburn +1 @ Georgia: Georgia is a public favorite, and we all know that Tuberville has brought his team back around. I know, you already bet Auburn and now you want to change it since I like them. Just change your $100 bet around to a $200 bet on Georgia... you'll only lose the $10 in juice.
Kansas State -7 1/2 @ Nebraska: Look, K State lost to a 1-8 team last week, but Iowa State has played everyone hard, including Oklahoma, so you shouldn't lose faith in the sheep lovers yet. I think Nebraska's going to end up with their head caught in a barbed wire fence this week.
Virginia Tech -6 1/2 vs Florida State: Florida State is garbage. I don't care if they beat BC, BC has been lucky garbage the whole year and was vulnerable. Get on VATECH if you haven't already, especially since it is in Blacksburg.
So that's it for the Cali edition. I guess I'm in the OC, but I don't feel any snobbier than I normally am. Maybe I'm high from all the smoke in the air. I need some Doritos.
By the way, if any of our 10 readers live somewhere in LA, you should consider going to the Sandpiper in Laguna Beach tomorrow night for Reggae night. If you want to see me get slapped in the face by about 15 women, you know you've come to the right place.
Towelie I want to see some cell phone pictures of these women who'll be smacking you in the mug.
And you're crazy to play that FSU game.
Have faith in the Tigers though man, Tuberville is auditioning for quite a raise from A&M, and his record on the road in the SEC is sick!
You forgot to pack your flush tokens for the trip to Cali, didn' you Towlie? Bad move, man.
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