Let's see first where we stand on our early looks.
Cal +3 at ASU. Other than the overrated disease of "but they're undefeated" keeping ASU the favorite here, let's remember that if not for an under seasoned QB failing to spike it, Cal would be undefeated and #1 in the country right now.
(Get it? Wine, gayness, bear... they're California Bears... ah nevermind.)
(Thanks to southerngent.org for the pic.)
KU -3 at Texas A&M. This line was 2.5 earlier in the week, and I sure hope you jumped on it then when I suggested it. Now lookit, I love me some Aggies, but does anyone really think that the embattled Coach Fran is going to be the team to do what K State and Colorado couldn't? A&M taking down the Jayhawks would be a bigger story than KState beating the Horns and the Buffs derailing Oklahoma. I don't know anyone who thinks that the Aggies are better than the Wildcats. The wagering public is favoring the Massive Mangione's squad at about a 6 to 4 clip right now.
The bell tolls for thee, Franchione. Hey that rhymes! Towelie, you say it rhymes, admit that it rhymes!
Those were the opening lines we liked. Let's take a late Friday look at them now. I'd like to add to them one more game. Play all four of these!
Troy -4.5 at Arkansas State. Troy beat Oklahoma State soundly, and their only 2 losses are at Florida and opening day at Arkansas. The Trojans are tearing through their conference with bad intentions. I will let Towelie make the tearing trojans jokes. Just load up on Troy to punish the Indians. Their only common opponent, ULMonroe, beat ArkSt 30-13 while losing to Tr
Good luck, imaginary sports bettors! Remember, this is for entertainment purposes only kids. As I was discussing with a good friend of mine last weekend, pictured here at right, (we'll call him JD), it's usually less fun to watch a great football game when you've got real money on it. So stick to play money and points on paper, and bragging rights with your friends.
Rutgers went 3OT vs. the same Slaton/White team last year...at WV. Careful here.
Cal has two losses. The spike crap only made them lose once. ASU is minus their starting RB. Only thing they have going for them is home field. I've not seen them play yet, so I'll stay away from this one.
A&M beating #9 KU won't be as big as CU beating a top 3 OU. Don't put those two in the same class.
I love the Troy game. Good call
And the part of the Jiminy Cricket style conscience will be played by... the japsican!!!
(if you don't get that reference, you're too young. don't bother me)
I know cal has 2 losses. i'm trying to blow smoke at people to get them to like my cal pick.
I disagree on the size of an Aggie upset vs the Buffs' upset win. Early season losses never mean as much as they really should, so a top 10 losing to unranked this week is bigger than a top 3 losing to unranked so long ago. Pollsters are stupid and have short memories.
Since it doesn't count until we post it here, we love USF -4.5 at the cheating UConn.
The mother-fucking, cock-sucking pseudo offensive coordinator for the Aggies should've been fired in the first half of this game.
You have Alexander to lead block for fucking Lane. Your defense has finally been playing well.
POUND THAT ASS so that in the second half, the opposing defense wilts.
WHAT THE FUCK are they doing using this as a time to develop McGee's 2 yard passing game.
FUCKING BRAINLESS COCK SUCKING MORONS. This game was there for the taking easily. Kansas sucks BALLS. Too bad A&M sucks harder.
3 losses...all with the same MO. forget giving Lane the ball.
what the japsican is trying to say is that he'd like to change his vote in our front page poll.
you know, we pay Fran about $300,000 per win. think about that.
I am offended by the languauge that our minority friend is using.
The only reason Fran isn't out of there sooner is because it's not Bill Byrne's style to throw a coach out during the season. Between the poor, unimpressive performance and the shady newsletters... that guy has brought on severe damage to A&M football. Would you want to go play for a scumbag with a barely breathing record? I wouldn't. A&M will dump him after A&M loses the Imodium AD bowl against New Mexico.
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