Friday, October 26, 2007

What I MEANT to say...

Is that you should have picked Boston College +3 @ Virginia Tech. Indeed, you should have logged on to your favorite offshore gambling site, picked Boston college to win at 5-1 (if they even spread it at that point) on the in-game betting with 2:00 remaining and made a buttload of money.

Let's break this one down. I'm not an expert on defensive manuevering, but just pretend for a minute that you have used a combination of sparce man/ stifling zone defense to break up passes and nearly intercept about 5 balls. While you are smothering their receivers, you also manage to bring pressure to the "Heisman candidate by default" and cause him to fumble numerous times. Of course, recovering some of these fumbles might have helped. But I digress.

Let's then pretend that you are a defensive back and your coach changes the plan to a prevent defense (that is, to prevent you from winning) up by 10 points with 2:00 remaing . You might think this a little strange, but in the heat of the battle you have no choice but to follow your fearless leader. You know, the one that makes 7 figures while you get a $30,000 scholarship. The team that you stifled in the first 58 minutes of the game suddenly puts up 14 hard earned points because you're not in the position to use your athletic ability.

But I forget that once again that I am successful! Another loss for me means another victory for any bloggers that decide to bet against me. I knew Virginia Tech would do something stupid to screw this one up - including the newest NCAA penalty which forbids brushing shoulders with the kicker. That's going to be one hell of a rash.


Week of 10/15 1-4
Week of 10/22 0-1
Total 1-5

Total money made @ $100 bets betting AGAINST me (@ -110): $390


Priapism Pickem Party said...

I think it's pretty clear this game was rigged. It was a classic trap game! The refs had money on it!

Seriously, that was a pretty sick string of coinky-dinks to lose that. To give up the first TD after a shutout for 3.5 quarters, the failure of a good WR to recover an onside kick, the sick scrambles of a QB not known for his mobility, the DBs giving up on long plays on a Beamer coached team when they KNOW they're only rushing 3 down linemen, alllllll very suspect.

BC +3 inDEED!!

Anonymous said...

Suh-weet! I've found my new system, bet against Towlie!!